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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

apple with an eye in the center

Speak Out Against Apple’s Mass Surveillance Plans

Mass surveillance is not an acceptable crime-fighting strategy, no matter how well-intentioned the spying. If you’re upset about Apple’s recent announcement that the next version of iOS will install surveillance software in every iPhone, we need you to speak out about it.
DragonCon 2021

EFF at DragonCon 2021

Join EFF for this year's DragonCon, a "multi-media, pop culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film." Various EFF staff members will be featured in talks on the Electronic Frontiers Forums track during the event, in-person and online, so be sure to...


A New Bill Would Protect Indie Video Game Developers and App Developers

Congress’s recent efforts on antitrust and competition in the tech space have been focused on today’s biggest tech companies, not on setting policy for the sector as a whole. Although Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon (and perhaps Microsoft) are the largest companies and therefore the ones generating the bulk of...

O (No!) Canada: Fast-Moving Proposal Creates Filtering, Blocking and Reporting Rules—and Speech Police to Enforce Them

Policymakers around the world are contemplating a wide variety of proposals to address “harmful” online expression. Many of these proposals are dangerously misguided and will inevitably result in the censorship of all kinds of lawful and valuable expression. And one of the most dangerous proposals may be adopted in Canada....


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