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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The Electronic Frontier Alliance logo in teal.

EF-Georgia: An Alphabet Soup of Privacy Legislation

Congress is working on a half-dozen privacy bills, most of them with confusing acronyms like ADPPA, CTOPPA, COPRA, HLDPA, My Body My Data, and The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act. We'll look at how effectively the different bills do or don't protect our privacy, and why it's so...
The skyline of the city of Austin, Texas.

Surveillance & Abortion Criminalization: Can Tech Keep Us Safe?

With the provision of abortion being completely criminalized in Texas, how can technology help keep people seeking abortion safe? Using examples drawn from people who have already been criminalized for having abortions, this talk will discuss how digital evidence is used in abortion criminalization cases, and how people can keep...

IGF Guatemala: Internet Blocking

Join Veridiana Alimonti, EFF’s Associate Director for Latin American Policy, in the online conversation about Internet blocking and the changes it has undergone since February 2022. The panel is part of the activities of Guatemala’s Internet Governance Forum, and will gather representatives from companies, government, and the technical community.Fred Clark...

Cybercrime Conventions and International Prosecution

Join EFF’s Associate Director for Latin American Policy, Veridiana Alimonti, at the VI International Conference on Fundamental Rights and Criminal Procedure in the Digital Age, promoted by InternetLab with the institutional support of the Law School of the University of São Paulo (FDUSP).Veridiana will speak in the panel Cybercrime Conventions...


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