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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Why Isn't Secure Flight Grounded?

This week brought yet another privacy scandal for the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) fundamentally flawed "Secure Flight" passenger surveillance program. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) chief privacy officer, Nuala O' Connor-Kelly, is launching an investigation to find out whether the program broke federal privacy law by hiding from the...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

EFF Releases Legal Guide for Bloggers

Whether you're a newly minted blogger or a relative old-timer, you've been seeing more and more stories pop up every day about bloggers getting in trouble for what they post.
Like all journalists and publishers, bloggers sometimes publish information that other people don't want published. You might, for...

Justice for Bloggers

EFF Announces its New Legal Guide for Bloggers San Francisco, CA - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is pleased to release a document that informs bloggers of their legal rights. EFF's "Legal Guide for Bloggers" is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) designed to educate bloggers about their...

Ode to "Stealing"

glenn mcdonald is the former author of the "Internet-famous" weekly music column "The War Against Silence." Although he hung up the column last year after 500 consecutive installments, he's back for an encore that is well worth reading.

Dearest Industry,
I write today in what began,...

Rush Speaks

Representative Holt took a moment from his busy day to express his thanks to the hundreds of volunteer lobbyists and to reiterate his strong belief that his bill needs to be passed:
"These people came to Washington on their own -- on their own time, at their own expense...

NYTimes Editorial Endorses HR 550

Although "endorses" is a bit of an understatement: "Every member of Congress who cares about American democracy should get behind Mr. Holt's bill." The editorial reads with a familiar, almost exasperated tone, one begging the obvious question: how can there still be any disagreement about this?
Kudos to...


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