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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

PATRIOT Act Renewal Blocked in Senate!

It's the best holiday gift any civil libertarian could hope for: a bipartisan coalition of Senators has refused to end a filibuster that is blocking renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. The group of Democrats and Republicans are rightly concerned that the PATRIOT renewal bill lacks meaningful checks and...

EFF Defends Prisoners’ First Amendment Rights

Opposes Prison Mail Ban on Materials Printed from Internet
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on behalf of Prison Legal News told a federal court Wednesday that Georgia state prisoners should be allowed to receive material printed from the Internet through the mail.
Although Georgia state prisons allow prisoners...

Lyrics Browsers, iTunes and Copyright Law

When I buy a CD, I look forward to having the lyrics printed in the liner notes. That's part of what I expect in exchange for my money. If the record label omits the lyrics, I feel I'm entirely within my fair use rights to listen closely to the recording...

New Canadian Voice in Digital Rights Issues

Online Rights Canada Launches with EFF, CIPPIC Support Toronto - Online Rights Canada (ORC) launched in Canada Friday, giving Canadians a new voice in critical technology and information policy issues. The grassroots organization is jointly supported by the Canadian Internet Policy &amp Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) and the Electronic Frontier...

PATRIOT Reauthorization Slogs On

Next Steps Unclear, Action Still Needed
The PATRIOT Act took a step closer to reauthorization today as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania announced that he would sign the conference report (in three parts: one, two, and three).
Backroom deals have watered-down the best reforms...

North Carolina Sued for Illegally Certifying Voting Equipment

EFF Asks Court to Void Approval of Diebold and Others Without Source Code Review Raleigh, North Carolina - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Thursday filed a complaint against the North Carolina Board of Elections and the North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services on behalf of voting integrity advocate...


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