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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Electronic Voting Machine Headaches Shut Out Citizens

Delays Mean Long Lines for Voters in Florida, Utah, and Other States San Francisco - Problems with electronic voting machine failures kept some polls from opening, created long lines, and left many voters puzzled about whether their votes were counted in Tuesday's high stakes election. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF...

Court Grants Appeal in AT&T Spying Case

EFF Battles Effort to Dismiss Surveillance Lawsuit San Francisco - The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals announced today that it will hear the U.S. government's and AT&ampT's appeal of a district court's decision allowing the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) case against AT&ampT to go forward. The lawsuit alleges that...

More Irregularities in NJ

Reports from New Jersey suggest that voters have had trouble casting votes for Republican candidate for Senate Tom Kean Jr. "The state's Republican Committee says some of the machines were either preset for Democratic candidate Bob Menendez or were inoperable when people tried to cast votes for the...

AP: "Technical glitches reported in early voting"

AP has a round-up of some early election activity:
"About a third of voters were using new equipment, and problems in several states were reported right out of the gate. The government deployed a record number of poll watchers to the many competitive races across the country.

Get Your Vote On

Polls are opening around this country, but early voters are already facing significant delays due to voting machine problems. Machines have reportedly failed to turn on or have abruptly stopped working.
If you run into any problems, call 866-OUR-VOTE and make sure that...


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