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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

USACM Position on DRM

The USACM (U.S. Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery) has recently issued a set of policy recommendations regarding DRM. They are sensible and make for good reading.
It's good to see an association made up of technical professionals take a stance on the DRM-related... Coalition Grows From 50 Organizations to 500 In One Week

30,000 Email Users Sign Open Letter San Francisco - Despite AOL's attempt to divide its critics, the Coalition announced Monday it has grown tenfold from 50 organizations to more than 500 as it fights AOL's controversial plan to create a two-tiered Internet that leaves the little guy behind. Last...

Strange Bedfellows Unite to Fight AOL's "Email Tax"

National Conference Call - Tuesday, 1pm EST This Tuesday, an unlikely coalition of left and right, non-profits and small businesses, and Internet advocacy groups will hold a national telephone news conference call to announce an unprecedented combined campaign against AOL's new "pay-to-send" email proposal – which amounts to an "email...

Blogging WIPO: The Development Agenda - Where to From Here?

The first meeting of WIPO's Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a Development Agenda (PCDA) has just ended, amidst a last-minute flurry of activity. The question on everyone's mind is where to from here? The answer is not so clear.
After four days of discussions about interesting proposals from...

Blogging WIPO: New Proposals as Development Agenda Talks Restart

The first meeting of the newly-created WIPO Provisional Committee for Proposals Related to a Development Agenda (PCDA) started yesterday, and runs until February 24. The PCDA is tasked with reviewing the 50 or so proposals put forward by WIPO member countries and coming up with concrete action proposals for the...


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