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Deeplinks Blog

EFF Can Use Critical AT&T Documents in Surveillance Lawsuit

Evidence For Illegal Spying Case Will Remain Under Seal for Now San Francisco - A federal judge in San Francisco ruled today that the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) can use critical evidence in its class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT. However, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker said the evidence -- three documents...

Judge Denies AT&T Request to Discuss Closing Courtroom

Wednesday's Arguments on Sealed Documents Set for 10am San Francisco - The judge in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT denied a request for a conference today about closing the courtroom from reporters and spectators for tomorrow's hearing in the case, set to begin at 10 a.m...

AT&T Wants Closed Courtroom in Tomorrow's Hearing in Surveillance Case

Telecom Giant Wants to Keep Public Away from Document Debate San Francisco - Lawyers for AT&ampT alerted the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today that it intends to ask the judge to close the courtroom in Wednesday's hearing in EFF's class-action lawsuit. EFF will oppose the request. EFF's suit accuses AT&ampT...

Supreme Court Reverses Dangerous Injunction Rule in eBay Patent Case

Four Justices Question Patent Trolls and Business Methods Patents in Concurring Opinion San Francisco - The United States Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision in the controversial eBay v. MercExchange patent case Monday, invalidating a dangerous precedent that threatened free speech and consumers' rights. Four justices also joined in...

Government Files Secret Motion to Dismiss AT&T Surveillance Case

DOJ Intervention Comes Just Days Before Hearing on Sealed Evidence San Francisco - Early Saturday morning, the United States government filed a motion to dismiss the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF's) class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT for illegally handing over its customers' telephone and Internet records and communications to the National Security...

Court Slows EFF Efforts to Address Ohio E-voting Malfunctions

Decision Delays Inquiry Into State's History of Voting Machine Problems San Francisco - The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that a critical lawsuit aimed at improving the security and integrity of Ohio's voting technology will be put on hold indefinitely. The ruling halts case proceedings until the...


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