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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Award Winner: Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan

In 1992 EFF presented our very first awards recognizing key leaders and organizations advancing innovation and championing digital rights. Now in 2023 we are continuing to celebrate the accomplishments of people working toward a better future for technology users with the EFF Awards!
The logo of the Electronic Frontier Alliance.


Join the Missouri and Kansas Cyber Alliance Network at it’s regular in-person meeting.

Digital Rights Updates with EFFector 35.11

Summer break is over, so it's time to catch up on the latest news in digital freedoms! There's no better way to learn about what's happening with digital privacy and free expression than with EFF's EFFector newsletter. This latest issue goes over the terrible Protecting Kids on Social Media Act,...

Podcast Episode Rerelease: Securing the Vote

This episode was first published on May 24, 2022.U.S. democracy is at an inflection point, and how we administer and verify our elections is more important than ever. From hanging chads to glitchy touchscreens to partisan disinformation, too many Americans worry that their votes won’t count and that election results...

A multi-colored bullhorn icon surrounded by grey-blue hexagons

ISPs Should Not Police Online Speech—No Matter How Awful It Is.

Entrusting our speech to multiple different corporate actors is always risky. Yet given how most of the internet is currently structured, our online expression largely depends on a set of private companies ranging from our direct Internet service providers and platforms, to upstream ISPs (sometimes called Tier 2 and 3),...

Berkeley Law Symposium - California Constitutional Privacy at 50: Power of State Law and Promoting Racial Justice in the Digital Age

California Constitutional Privacy at 50: Power of State Law and Promoting Racial Justice in the Digital Age4th Annual BTLJ-BCLT Fall SymposiumThe symposium will bring together leading academics and practitioners to explore the landscape of California’s constitutional right to privacy at age 50, highlight how the right is currently used to...


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