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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Statement on the Arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov

Once again, the Digital Millineum Copyright Act (DMCA) is proving itself to be as harmful to civil liberties as we predicted it would be. The latest victim is a Russian programmer named Dmitry Sklyarov, who authored a program that permits copying, printing and lending of electronic books by unlocking a...

FBI Arrests Programmer in Las Vegas

The FBI arrested Russian citizen Dmitry Sklyarov in Las Vegas, Nevada, yesterday on charges of distributing a product designed to circumvent copyright protection measures. Sklyarov, who was in Las Vegas to deliver a lecture on electronic book security, allegedly authored a program which permits editing, copying, and printing of electronic...

Princeton Scientists Sue Over Squelched Research

Trenton, NJ -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today asked a federal court to rule that Princeton University Professor Edward Felten and his research team have a First Amendment right to present their research on digital music access-control technologies at the USENIX Security Conference this August in Washington, DC, despite...

Federal Court Upholds Anonymous Speech on Internet

For Immediate Release -- Apr. 20, 2001
Lauren Gelman, Public Policy Dir.
+1 202 487-0420
Seattle -- In a precedent-setting ruling on free speech in cyberspace, a federal court in Seattle yesterday upheld the right to speak anonymously on the Internet. U.S....

Big Prime Nets Big Prize

Katina Bishop - Electronic Frontier Foundation
(415) 436-9333 ex. 101
San Francisco, CA -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has announced that it has awarded the first of four Cooperative Computing Awards on April 6th at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy conference in Toronto, Canada. (see...

Bernstein's Brief Requesting Remand to Dist. Court

Ms. Cathy Catterson
Clerk, United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, CA 941119-3939
Re: Bernstein v. Department of Justice
Case No. 97-16686
Please circulate to Justices B....

DOJ Seeks Rehearing of Landmark Ruling in Bernstein Encryption Case

As expected, the U.S. Government today sought further review by the 9th Circuit of a 3 judge panel's recent decision holding that the federal government's regulations of encryption is unconstitutional. The Petition, which seeks both rehearing from the panel and rehearing en banc by an 11 judge panel, asserts two...

DOJ Seeks Rehearing of Landmark Ruling in Bernstein Encryption Case

As expected, the U.S. Government today sought further review by the 9th Circuit of a 3 judge panel's recent decision holding that the federal government's regulations of encryption is unconstitutional. The Petition, which seeks both rehearing from the panel and rehearing en banc by an 11 judge panel, asserts two...

US Export Control Laws on Encryption Ruled Unconstitutional

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the federal government's restrictions on encryption are unconstitutional, affirming a lower court's ruling that export control over cryptographic "software and related devices and technology are in violation of the First Amendment on the grounds of prior restraint."
"The Court understood...

Statement of Rep. Anna Eshoo on Bernstein vs. the Justice Department Ruling

"I'm pleased the federal appeals court has affirmed Federal District Court Judge Marilyn Patel's original decision that in the name of national defense, the U.S. government should not restrict the very liberties it is supposed to be defending. This decision demonstrates the judicial branch's understanding of the encryption debate. Now...

EFF Offers Cooperative Computing Prizes

SAN FRANCISCO -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is sponsoring cooperative computing awards, with over half a million dollars in prize money, to encourage ordinary Internet users to contribute to solving huge scientific problems.
"We're providing incentives to stretch the computational capabilities of the Internet," said Tara Lemmey, EFF's...


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