Dangerous digital rights policies have a habit of crossing borders, but you can help to defend Internet freedom for all users. Donate to EFF today to support a better digital future worldwide.
When Syria disappeared from the Internet last week, we responded swiftly to promote protective technology and safe access for journalists and citizens throughout the beleaguered country. And now that Syria is back online, we're collaborating with leading technologists to warn users about dangerous surveillance malware.
We relish opportunities to pool our expertise with fellow travelers worldwide in the quest for a better, freer Internet. In December, EFF staffers will be joining forces with local activists in New Zealand and Brazil, hotspots for dangerous policies related to online privacy and copyright. We advocate for technologically sound solutions and we fight for the user.
One in 10 EFF donors lives outside of the U.S., and member dues support a global approach to Internet freedom. If you haven't donated recently, please join us today, and support a better Internet for everyone online.

For users everywhere,
Eva Galperin
International Freedom of Expression Coordinator
EFF International Team
P.S. For information on wire transfers, contact membership@eff.org.