EFF gives a heartfelt thank you to the reddit community, which just raised over $7,500 for digital rights! Yesterday, a commenter on reddit politics asked "Why don't we form an Internet Freedom Association like the NRA has for firearms?" observing that "[t]hose in power know and have witnessed the populist organizing power the internet can have which is why they are in a rush to try to take control of it." Precisely. An astute redditor commented that the Electronic Frontier Foundation fights privacy threats like CISPA each day and the public should donate to support the cause. As a result, EFF received over 200 separate donations over the past 24 hours!
EFF is working hard to expose the dangers of upcoming "cybersecurity" bills and mobilize the public through advocacy campaigns to make Congress protect our civil liberties. We're also strengthening Constitutional protections in electronic search cases, asking for meaningful corporate responsibility, exposing international policies threatening online rights, and so much more.
We're making great progress so let's keep the pressure on! If you haven't taken a moment to become an EFF member this year, please do it today. EFF has been the voice of reason in digital rights debates for over two decades, so especially if YANAL, keep supporting the expert legal team that has your back. Thank you.