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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Law Professor Sues Federal Government Over Computer Privacy Issues

For Immediate Release
Cleveland, Wednesday, August 7, 1996
For More Information Contact:
Raymond Vasvari (216) 522-1925
Gino Scarselli (216) 291-8601
More Information Will Be Available at:
A Case Western Reserve University law professor filed suit today in

Bernstein Files for Partial Summary Judgment in Crypto Case

July 26, 1996 Electronic Frontier Foundation
Shari Steele, Staff Counsel
Mike Godwin, Staff Counsel
Lori Fena, Executive Director
San Francisco, CA -- A University of Illinois at Chicago faculty member
who is suing...

Crypto Export Controls on Trial - Come on Down!

On October 20th in San Francisco, we'll have the first public hearing
in the EFF/Bernstein lawsuit, which seeks to have the export laws on
cryptography declared unconstitutional. You are invited!
Meet at the Federal Building in San Francisco, 450 Golden Gate Avenue.
The first "oral arguments"...

Letter to 60 Minutes

60 Minutes
CBS News
555 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Dear 60 Minutes,
Your February 26 story on computer security missed the most important point
-- the United States Government requires network providers to keep their
systems easily exploited. Encryption would...

Eff Sues to Overturn Cryptography Restrictions

In a move aimed at expanding the growth and spread of privacy and security technologies, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is sponsoring a federal lawsuit filed today seeking to bar the government from restricting publication of cryptographic documents and software. EFF argues that the export-control laws, both on their face and...

Mathematician challenges U.S. lid on encryption software

By Rory J. O'Connor
Mercury News Staff Writer
A Berkeley mathematician sued the State Department
Tuesday, in a case designed to challenge the government's
designation of encryption software as a ``munition'' subject
to extensive export controls.
The policy has prevented even the publication of...


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