January 26, 2008 (All day)

Technology in Wartime Conference at Stanford

WHERE: Stanford Law School
WHEN: January 26, 2008, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
COST: $50-$100 sliding scale donation to CPSR/$20 for student
ONLINE: www.technologyinwartime.org

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) announces its annual conference, at Stanford University, on the topic “Technology in Wartime.” This one-day conference will be held January 26, 2008, and feature a diverse array of speakers from computer scientists, policy makers, and military professionals, to human rights workers, civil liberties legal activists, and academics. The goal of this non-partisan conference will be to consider the ethical implications of wartime technologies and how these technologies are likely to affect civilization in years to come. Ultimately we want to engage a pressing question of our time: What should socially-responsible computer professionals do in a time of high tech warfare?

Speakers will include Bruce Schneier (Counterpane Security), Barbara Simons (ACM), Herb Lin (National Academies of Science), Cindy Cohn (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Patrick Ball (Benetech), Terry Winograd (Stanford University), Neil Rowe (Naval Defense Academy), Nick Mathewson (the Tor project), Ronald Arkin (Georgia Tech's Mobile Robots Lab) and Noah Shachtman (Wired magazine's war correspondent). The proceedings will be broadcast live on the Web, and the presentations collected in book form online, released under an open license, and made available to the public and policy makers looking for expert opinions on wartime technology issues during the election year.

For a complete list of speakers and a schedule, visit www.technologyinwartime.org.

Registration is open. You can register at www.technologyinwartime.org.

ABOUT CPSR: Since incorporating in 1983, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility has been at the forefront of discussions about the ethical uses of computer technology. CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a wide range of issues, and has incubated numerous projects such as Privaterra, the Public Sphere Project, EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the 21st Century Project, the Civil Society Project, and the CFP (Computers, Freedom & Privacy) Conference. Originally founded by U.S. computer scientists, CPSR now has members in 26 countries on six continents.