The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a division of the Department of Justice formed in 1908. The FBI investigates federal crimes and crimes on Indian reservations and is also a domestic intelligence agency. Its tasks include combatting and investigating crimes in the United States such as terrorist attacks, espionage, and a range of high tech and white-collar crimes. In 2011, the annual budget for the FBI was $7.9 billion.

FBI Dark Web Emails
FBI emails reveal the FBI’s interest in the University of Arizona’s <a href=" Web Project</a>....
FBI Intelligence Information Report Handbook
FBI Intelligence Information Report Handbook which mentions using “covert accounts” to access protected information.
Documents With Intelligence Oversight Board Case Numbers Unredacted
Part 3
FBI OTD Briefing on Voice over IP (VoIP).
Part 2
FBI Operational Technology Division (OTD) presentation titled: NATIONAL LAWFUL INTERCEPT STRATEGY Current and Future Challenges
Part 1
Correspondence, status reports and an analysis of the Skype protocol.