The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a division of the Department of Justice formed in 1908. The FBI investigates federal crimes and crimes on Indian reservations and is also a domestic intelligence agency. Its tasks include combatting and investigating crimes in the United States such as terrorist attacks, espionage, and a range of high tech and white-collar crimes. In 2011, the annual budget for the FBI was $7.9 billion.

Wyden Letter to FBI on eFOIA
EFF Buza Amicus Brief
Letter to Alameda County Board of Supervisors Opposing "Stingray" upgrade
Letter sent to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors opposing upgrade of current IMSI catcher (Stingray) technology.
North Central Texas Fusion System Prevention Awareness Bulletin
This 2009 "Prevention Awareness Bulletin" implies that tolerance towards Muslims is dangerous and that Islamic militants are using methods such as "hip-hop boutiques" and "online social networks" to indoctrinate youths in America.
Know Your Rights!
Printable PDF version of our online Know Your Rights guide.
EFF PCLOB Agenda Comments on Suspicious Activity Reporting August 2014
Reissued 2008 Report on NSLs
March 2008 Inspector General report on the FBI's use of national security letters, reissued on October 22 with some additions.
Reissued 2007 OIG Report on NSLs
March 2007 Inspector General report on the FBI's use of national security letters, reissued on October 22 with some additions.