20101029_FinCEN_ Release_Letter
FinCEN's third release letter....
FinCEN's fourth release to EFF....
FinCEN's release letter for its fourth release....
FinCEN's release of documents in response to EFF's administrative appeal....
FinCEN's response letter to EFF's administrative appeal....
"Internet Research Tools"
A 2009 training course on internet tools and techniques to teach IRS employees how to gather information about taxpayers and research their online activity
Internet Content Filtering Change Request Form
Undated form for IRS employees to request permission to access internet sites that they are otherwise not allowed to visit using government IT resources
Internal Revenue Manual excerpts: "Definition of Media," "Media Responsibilities"
IRS policy on employee use of media dated November 24, 2009
Internal Revenue Manual excerpt: "Prohibited Uses of Government IT Resources"
Examples of prohibited uses of government IT resources dated March 31, 2008
Internal Revenue Manual excerpt: "Specific Requirements"
IRS policy on inappropriate internet use dated November 30, 2007