Created in response to the September 11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a broad federal agency encompassing 22 separate agencies in a single organization. The Department of Homeland Security is a civilian and domestic counterpart to the Department of Defense and is responsible for preparing for and preventing domestic emergencies, including terrorism. With more than 200,000 employees, DHS is the third-largest Cabinet department. EFF has engaged in many FOIA requests and lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security and its various child agencies, which include the Transportation Security Administration, Customs and Border Patrol, Immigration Customs Enforcement, and others.

Opinion granting DHS Motion for Summary Judgment
Declaration of David Dodson
DHS Reply to Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
This document gives additional details of the DHS search criteria and argues the search was adequate.
Statement of Facts
Declaration of Edward Hasbrouck
EFF Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment
EFF argues that DHS's description of their search was inadequate, so summary judgment is inappropriate at this time....
Declaration of Vania T. Lockett
This declaration describes the efforts DHS made to locate records, the release of responsive documents, and redactions made before release.
DHS Motion for Summary Judgment
Exhibits A–E
Declaration of David M. Hardy
This document explains why the DOJ believes the information in the Terrorist Screening Center Database would "reveal sensitive law enforcement techniques" if released....