First created in 1903, the Department of Commerce (previously the Department of Commerce and Labor) promotes progressive business policies and global trade that is favorable to the United States. Among a range of other duties, it issues patents and trademarks (through its sub agency the United States Patent and Trademark Office), sets industrial standards and gathers economic data to inform policymakers.

EFF comments for USPTO Patent Eligibility study
EFF Comments for Patent Eligibility Jurisprudence Study, Docket No. PTO-P-2021-0032-0002.
Filed Oct. 15, 2021.
EFF Amici Brief Ryan v. Trump
EFF's Comments to the NTIA on "Developing the Administration's Approach to Consumer Privacy"
EFF submitted a letter in the U.S. Department of Commerce's request for comment on "Developing the Administration's Approach to Consumer Privacy," urging the agency to consider any future policy proposals in a users' rights framework. We emphasized five concrete recommendations for any...