The Criminal Division of the Department of Justice is tasked with developing, enforcing, and supervising the application of all federal criminal laws except those specifically assigned to other divisions. It also works on sensitive areas of law enforcement such as electronic surveillance.

CALEA FOIA - 4th Myrick (DEA) Declaration in support of Defendants' Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment
CALEA FOIA - 2nd Cunningham (DOJ) Declaration in support of Defendants' Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment
Diaz-Rivera Amicus Brief
Exhibit B to 3rd Lynch Decl
EFF's reply in support of its motion for summary judgment and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
Exhibit A to 3rd Lynch Decl
EFF's reply in support of its motion for summary judgment and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
20120517 CALEA 3rd Lynch Decl ISO XMSJ
EFF's reply in support of its motion for summary judgment and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
CALEA FOIA - EFF's Reply to Motion for Summary Judgment
EFF's reply in support of its motion for summary judgment and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
20120427 CALEA DOJ Cunningham CRM Decl
Department of Justice's reply and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
20120427 CALEA DOJ Ex E
Department of Justice's reply and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case
20120427 CALEA DOJ Fourth Hardy Dec ISO Defs MSJ-Exhibit 4
Department of Justice's reply and supporting documents in the CALEA FOIA case