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Central Intelligence Agency

Central Intelligence Agency

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent civilian agency that provides national security intelligence. It is tasked with collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating foreign intelligence to assist the government and senior US policymakers in decision making around national security. The CIA was created by the National Security Act of 1947, signed by President Harry Truman.



This is a 49-page Semiannual Report to the Director of CIA for the period of January - June 2007. Much of the report is heavily redacted, however it contains this interesting note on page 37: "The nature of investigations faced by the Investigations Staff has broadened dramatically in the...


This is a two page letter dated 8/612007 from the Inspector General of CIA to the IOB regarding completion of a Special Report. The letter notes that the "Office of Inspector General completed its investigation into the circumstances surrounding" some issue, however that issue has been...


This is a 3-page letter dated 8/9/2007 from the Inspector General of CIA to the IOB regarding a Report of Investigation. It is followed by a CIA Inspector General Report of Investigation, nine of ten pages of which have been denied in full. This Report was also attached to an earlier November 8...


This is a 3-page letter dated 11/7/2007 from the Acting General Counsel of CIA to the IOB. It supplements the third quarter 2007 report to the Board (see CIA_Part067.pdf) and discusses one additional item that was left off that report "for classification and security reasons." Not...


This is a 6-page letter dated 9/6/2007 from the Inspector General of CIA to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). The letter states that on 8/29/07 the PFIAB requested clarification of an OIG "determination that there were no illegal activities by the CIA or any...


This is a 5-page "Spot Report" to the IOB. It is undated, except for a handwritten note at the top that says "2007-12." The CIA has redacted almost all information from the report, however, the agency left in an interesting footnote. The footnote cites 50 U.S.C. 403-7 and...


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