The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent civilian agency that provides national security intelligence. It is tasked with collecting, analyzing, evaluating, and disseminating foreign intelligence to assist the government and senior US policymakers in decision making around national security. The CIA was created by the National Security Act of 1947, signed by President Harry Truman.

March 24, 2003 Letter from Scott Muller, CIA General Counsel's Office to Chair of Intelligence Oversight Board. The letter includes the quarterly report from the fourth quarter of 2002 and reports on "two transgressions of policies embodied in Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)...
This is a letter dated 7/6/2004 from John Helgerson, Acting Inspector General of CIA, to the Intelligence Oversight Board. The CIA withheld in full a 6-page document enclosed with the letter. The letter and enclosure conveyed to the Intelligence Oversight Board the comments of the Department...
This is a letter dated 9/21/2004 from John Rizzo, the Acting General Counsel of CIA to the Intelligence Oversight Board. It provides a quarterly report for the first quarter of 2004. The letter notes there are "two reportable items," though information about these items has been...
Semiannual Report to Director of CIA dated July - December 2004. This report mentions investigations concerning detainee abuse and other improper agency practices in Iraq, and notes that "more than half of the Staff's personnel are devoted to investigations concerning agency activities...
This is a letter dated 2/4/2005 from John Helgersen, the Inspector General of CIA, to the chair of the IOB. It references a Semiannual OIG Report to the Director of CIA for the period of July - December 2004 (see CIA_Part011.pdf above).
November 3, 2004 letter from John Helgerson, Inspector General of CIA to the Chair of the IOB. The letter refers to the OIG's May 2004 Report of Special Review, Counterterrorism Detention and Interrogation Activities (September 2001-0ctober 2003) and notes the IOB requested source documents...
May 26, 2005 Letter from CIA Office of General Counsel to Chair of IOB regarding quarterly report for first quarter of 2005 — letter notes there are some "reportable items" (i.e., "intelligence activities" that the OGC has "reason to believe may be unlawful or contrary...
August 1, 2005 Letter to Chair of Intelligence Oversight Board, enclosing Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence - January to June 2005.
Semiannual Report to Director of Central Intelligence - January to June 2005.
This is a 3-page letter dated 7/25/2007 from the Inspector General of CIA to the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. It attaches a 49-page Semiannual Report to the Director of CIA for the period of January - June 2007 (see CIA_Part062.pdf). The letter notes that although the OIG "learned...